The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation had been completed and a final selection and award had been determined. There was an advisory selection committee made up of the following individuals which assisted TCRPC in their evaluation and interviews of the respondents.
The advisory selection committee was:
Dan Clark, Manager, Lake Clark Shores
Sally Channon, PB County Environmental Resource Management
Chuck Collins, Director, PB County Marine Industries Association
Mark Hightower, Director, West Palm Beach Fishing Club
Brian Shields, Director, Lake Worth Utilities
TCRPC adopted and ratified the recommendation at their most recent Board Meeting. The winning team, with Taylor Engineering as the lead, will be introduced to the Coalition and invited to make a presentation at the upcoming September Coalition Meeting.
The Taylor Engineering team also includes:
A.D.A. Engineering
Morgan & Eklund
The next four to six weeks will entail data collection which should be completed in anticipation of the next Blueway Trail meeting, at which point, a more detailed timeline for completing draft permitting documents by June 30, 2017, will be presented.
The Taylor Engineering Presentation can be found in the Resources section or viewed directly here: Taylor Engineering Presentation